
Crows Woods Gardens

Winter 2024/2025

Thank you for visiting our website.     We are now accepting new and returning member applications for 2025. If you are interested in joining us, please print out a new 2025 application, fill in the blanks and drop it in the mail.     As soon as we receive your application, we will put you on our mailing list to receive important information.

If you have any questions, please reach out anytime,.. Paul -President/Membership Director  – prsdesign@verizon.net

Winter Reminders

Winter is the time to start planning for the upcoming gardening season.

  1. Returning members – Decide what size plot you want for this season. Our plots come in two sizes: small (approx. 10 x 20) or large (approx. 20 x 20). It is strongly recommended that those with limited time maintain a small plot. First year garden members will receive a 10′ x 20′ plot.
  2. Mail your completed Crows Woods Gardens application (along with your payment). For more information, please visit our “Application” page.
  3. It is important that we receive your completed application and payment by March 1.
  4. If you had a plot in 2023 and you wish to continue gardening, you must still complete and send in an application with payment by March 1 for the 2024 season.
  5. If this is your first year applying for a plot, keep in mind that plots will be awarded on a first come first serve basis as they become available.
  6. Start planning your plot! Early spring is a great time to plant your kale, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, onion, parsnips, peas (great St. Patrick’s day activity), rhubarb and turnips.
  7. Look at the Plot Grid Map to determine your plot number: Plot Grid Map PDF (Please note that these will be continually updated)




Knee Deep in Tomatoes

Ann and Craig Goings share their secrets in growing a successful tomato bumper crop.

Keeping Critters at Bay

Anthony Calabretta,a long time gardener at Crows Woods, has found ways to coexist with the many small critters that enjoy eating the fruits of our hard labor. His ideas are simple and straight forward to implement.

My War with the Harlequin Beetle

Not all critters can be kept at bay as Karin Waltzman points out. The harlequin beetle is a tough competitor for the organic gardener. Never the less, a year lost to the harlequin beetle brings promise of productive growing seasons in years to come.

Bee Crisis

Mary Previte reminds us of the importance that bees play in our daily life. As organic gardeners we need to be aware of their perils and be mindful of the steps we can take to help them survive and multiply.

News / Articles From Prior Years

In addition to gardening, we like to share our experiences at Crows Woods. Some of us do it in writing while others prefer to let their photographs speak for themselves. Visit our Archives which contain news, articles and pictures of our past experiences at Crows Woods.

NOTE: If you have an article or a photograph that you would like to submit for publication, please email articles to:  prsdesign@verizon.net.

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