2024 Plot Application
Please click this button below to print and complete the application.
Yearly Dues for the 2024 Season
- $60 per plot (applies to all gardeners).
Please mail or bring the completed application with your check to the
address below by March 1st.
Paul Schmeck
Crows Woods Membership
319 Merion Avenue
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
- Please Print Clearly
- Name:
- Phone:
- Address:
- E-mail:
Select One
- I am a new gardener assign me a 10′ by 20′ plot.
- I want the same plot as last year (plot #___________ ).
- I want a different plot from last year (circle desired size): 10×20 or 20×20
- I would like to keep my same plot and expand to 20×20 (if possible).
- I want to downsize to a smaller plot.
Give us a hand and select the items you’d like to volunteer for: (Minimum of one)
- Opening Day (Mandatory for 1st year gardeners)
- Weeding Common Areas as required
- Earth Day Event
- Garden Border – Weeding & Maintenance
- Repairs as needed
- Shed Area – Weeding & Maintenance
- Annual Picnic
- Maintain Hand Tools
- Stockpile Area – Weeding & Maintenance
- Faucet & Hose Maintenance
- Wheelbarrow Maintenance
- Fall Clean-up
Helping Hand Committee – Helping gardeners who develop medical or other issues during the growing season
- Food Bank Committee – Possible tasks: Drop off donated veggies at the Food Bank
- Food Bank Donation Garden
How did you hear about Crows Woods Gardens?
Ordering our cool shirts and apparel
- Enclosed is $___________ for CWG apparel.
- (please print and include the following orderform/payment with application)
I have read, understand, and agree to follow the 10 rules.
(signature required)